Clearing and Protection- A one day workshop that teaches you how to clear and protect a space, fill that space with a high vibrational energy. How to protect and clear yourself and get a greater understanding of the different types of energies we are protecting from.

Clearing and Protection

Ever wondered why your mood changes all of a sudden? Happy one moment then not the next and there is no reason for this change of mood, in fact 5 minutes ago you were having a really good day!

As humans we are sensitive to energy, we are a giant transmitter and receiver collecting and broadcasting information. This can not change because we are made this way, everyone of us. The information we are exchanging with our environment and others comes in the way of wave forms which is fundamentally energy. Sometimes we pick up energy that is not good or step into an environment which has a bad feeling (negative energy). This workshop will teach you to negate the negative or ill feeling energy around us.

Ask yourself these questions below…..

When meeting with friends who are having a hard time, do you ever come away from them and feel in a lower mood than you did before meeting up with them ?

Ever walk past someone in the street and your mood drops for absolutely no reason ?

Shopping at a large supermarket and find your energy is being zapped or depleted as you pick up your groceries and you cant wait to get out of there ?

You’ve had a hard day, but a good one. All you can think about is putting your feet up and having a nice warm drink, a chance to relax……. Then all of a sudden old thoughts of the argument you had with your spouse or family member two days ago are starting going through your head. Why is this?

If you answered Yes or relate the scenarios above this workshop will help you.

Paul Newman says….

“Clearing and protection is a way of life for me, one of the first techniques I learnt on my own journey! Helping me to understand, to think clear, to know whats my energy and not that of others.”