Trance and The Trance State

The above images are of Paul Newman sitting in a Trance state whilst spirit are connecting and blending with Paul and providing inspirational messages to an audience.

What is a Trance State…..

Ever found yourself staring out of a window thinking of nothing, just staring, this is known as a light trance state. There are many levels within the trance state from a light trance e.g. looking out the window or when driving a car and for the life of you your unable to remember the journey. Up to a deep trance state which is when spirit are able to blend and talk through the medium. Shamans use the trance state in many different ways to induce healing, connect to ancestors, connection to the higher beings, including off worldly entities.



We have many Trance workshops on offer at Newman Psychic Studies including introduction to trance, how to connect with spirit in trance, remote viewing and much more. All level are welcome whether its your first journey into this amazing world or improving and developing your trance. Check out the workshops below;

Introduction to Trance- a beginners 1 day workshop to trance to discover how to put yourself into a trance state and find a trance control/spirit guide.

Develop your Trance- a progression on your trance, on this 1 day workshop you learn multitude of different techniques to put yourself in trance and enhance your connection to spirit.

Advance Trance- learn to connect with different spirit and multidimensional beings.

Trance Healing- learn how get completely out of the way and let your energy blend with that of spirit, so you can provide some the most powerful and effective healing to others.

Shamanic Trance- Shamans from all over the world have been using altered states for millennia. Discover your inner power.

Remote viewing- Discover how to remote view distant or unseen targets and learn how to give information about objects, events, persons or locations.


Paul Newman and the Trance State…..

Paul has been sitting in trance for many years and feels honored to be working with spirit in that way.

When Paul was developing as medium and met his spirit guides they blended with him straight away, which was a new uplifting experience for Paul. Realising that an old friend had made contact with him and a whole new world was opening up.

“When Anu (Paul’s spirit guide) stepped in close for the first time it was an intense uplifting experience, at the time I didn’t realise this was something spirit could do.”- Paul Newman

About six months later Paul’s teacher ask if he would like to sit in a trance circle.

“I was asked to sit in trance circle, I had absolutely no idea of what trance was! naturally I was intrigued and had a lot of questions, It felt so right to join the circle and I haven’t looked back since.” - Paul Newman

Developing his connection with his spirit guide Anu, Paul thrived and learnt from connecting to spirit in this way that his mental mediumship was enhanced as well as his psychic abilities. Feeling free and realising there is so much to discover, Paul started to do Demonstrations.

“The information that was being provided was outstanding and the evidence was marvelous, deciding to share this was the next step of development for myself and guides.” - Paul Newman

As Paul’s connection was getting stronger he had other guides and spirits talk through him such as Angel, Albert and Bob. Having absolute trust in Anu, Paul then started to have peoples loved ones in spirit blend with him and speak.

What an honor it is to have my guides and other peoples loved ones connect and give evidence of survival. Even though I have no clue of what happens when I’m in trance!” - Paul Newman

Now Paul teaches multitude of techniques to induce oneself into a trance using his years of experience. Also is still providing demonstrations.